Stories & Creative Words
In this section, I teach you how to look at life from a different human-focused perspective; I also share my own experiences of being creative both on & off the screen.
Feel free to browse and read what calls out to you. <3
The Coffee Mug: A Small Mindfulness Practice
Here is a small mindfulness practice that I have started doing from time to time.
Joy In The Winter
Seasonal changes can mean quite a lot for different people.
Because, it's a lot easier to find those joyful moments in the spring and the summer and the fall.
But what about winter? Are there parts of that season that are considered joyful?
The answer is yes.
Every Feeling is Important
Do you trust your feelings when something arises?
Do you allow yourself to feel them too? Including the darker ones?
Forced Rest is Sometimes Essential
Forced Rest is sometimes essential to check yourself back to centre.
Safety is Perceived
Safety is perceived as whatever a person wants to risk for themselves, and what level of security they will accept in any circumstance.
A lot of that stems from personal fears that could have conjured up over lifetimes, and sometimes recently depending on individual life happenings.